A poetic history of descents, both real and fictional.
William Firebrace | Jan 16, 2023
Modern novels, films, and television shows are a sobering reflection of society’s vastly different expectations for moms and dads.
Andrew Bomback | Aug 22, 2022
When will we ever see realized what Sultana glimpses: the abolition of fossil-fuel technologies, the greenifying of cities, the detoxification of masculinity, and the triumph of love and truth over fear and hatred?
Joshua Glenn | Mar 24, 2022
“This is how one ought to see, how things really are.”
Ido Hartogsohn | Dec 20, 2021
Artist and writer Justin Beal explores the way in which a literary and cinematic archetype has influenced the cultural role of the modern architect.
Justin Beal | Oct 19, 2021
Even before the idea of climate change took hold, sci-fi began to think of the planet as something that preceded our species and could conceivably continue without us.
Sherryl Vint | Jul 20, 2021
In Jorge Luis Borges's story of barely 12 pages, the celebrated writer plays with the infinite in a context of vast labyrinths of memory and the consequences of having an unlimited capacity to remember.
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga | Jun 16, 2021
A graphic translation of Benjamin’s nostalgic musings on his childhood.
Frances Cannon | May 25, 2021
The more we expose ourselves to the prose of the victims, the more visibility we give them.
Gabrielle Decamous | Apr 6, 2021
A misguided article in the conservative magazine blames the concept for the powerful cultural transformations we’re seeing today. That’s about all it gets right.
David J. Gunkel | Jul 7, 2020